Marre de la Confine: Sick of Confinement

On March 17, 2020, France issued a general order for residents to stay at home as part of a national effort to combat the Covid-19 epidemic. The order remained in place for 55 days before being lifted on May 11th, and was generally seen as a public health success.

I was recently pointed to a series of short YouTube music videos created during confinement by a small crew of artists looking to distract themselves: «Au 1er jour de la confine». Each one features a song and animated watercolor illustrations. The song is of the form “On the first day of the confinement …. On the second day of confinement …. On the third day of confinement … etc. etc.” There are 11 videos in all, running two to five minutes each, packaged as “Season 1”, “Season 2”, etc. Together they cover all 55 days.

The videos start off fairly routine, with what sounds like a traditional Breton folk song played on accordion, one or two voices singing, a pleasantly repetitive verse / chorus structure, and the camera panning slowly over the illustrations. The authors’ description clarifies that the song is original, but runs the risk of becoming a folk song of the future: «un échantillon de Musique Traditionnelle de Demain.» The musical arrangement becomes more complex throughout the first video with polyphony, syncopation, and rich instrumentation. Really well done musically and visually.

After the first few weeks, though, the videos become progressively post-modern and bizarre, fitting the increasing toll of confinement. By the end there are drug-hazed psychedelic segments, pastiches of Ravel’s Bolero, and – I kid you not – Soviet agitprop. A rather striking departure, but quite impressive.

The creators are:

I can’t quite figure out how the author’s’ attitude towards the confinement changes over time. The first verse sounds like an explicit indictment of the policy as a trick, but some of the later videos have messaging that makes me think the authors supported the confinement. If any readers can clarify for me if the attitude is clear in the subtext (or the text), please leave a comment.

Here’s a sampling of the lyrics (rough English translations are mine):

Au 1er jour de la confine
On s'est tous enfermé dedans (x2)
Sans médicaments sans aspirine
Ça durera pas 107 ans
On s'est fait rouler dans la farine
Par le ministère et le gouvernement

Y en a bien marre de la confine
Y en a bien marre du confinement
On the first day of confinement
We all holed up inside
Without medicines or aspirin
This won't last 107 years
They've duped us, the government and the ministry

I am so sick of being confined
I've had it up to here with confinement
Au 2ème jour de la confine
On s'est attaqué au grand rangement (x2)
Le salon, le couloir et la cuisine
Ça durera pas 106 ans
Même si tout laver à la térébenthine
Au savon noir c'est émouvant

On the second day of confinement
We did a vast spring cleaning
The living-room, the hallway, the kitchen
This won't last 106 years
What if we use turpentine and black soap?
It's bracing!

Au 3ème jour de la confine
On met sa masques et ses beaux gants blancs (x2)
On se lave les mains, on se bouche les narines
Ça durera pas 105 ans
Se laver les mains, les papattes et les babines
Au début c'est rigolo à la fin c'est barbarant.
On the third day of confinement
We wear masks and white gloves
We wash our hands and cover our noses
This won't last 105 years.
Washing your hands, paws, and whiskers
At first it's a joke, by the end it's oppressive
Au 4ème jour de la confine
Ma femme est allée chez son amant (x2)
Sans me prévenir en passant par la cuisine
Ça durera pas 104 ans
Elle est partie pour de la farine
Reviendra peut-être à la fin du printemps
On the fourth day of confinement
My wife went to see her lover
She left by the back door without telling me
This won't last 104 years
Said she was going to get some flour
Maybe she'll be back by the time Spring ends
Au 7ème jour de la confine
Plus de vin rouge ni de chocolat blanc (x2)
Je fouille les armoires de la cuisine
Ça durera pas 101 ans
Me restera-t-il assez de bibine
Pour assurer le ravitaillement
On the 7th day of confinement
We ran out of red wine and white chocolate
I rummage through the kitchen cabinets
This won't last 101 years
Will my supply of booze
Hold out until I can restock?
Au 11ème jour de la confine
Je me bourre de médicaments (x2)
Sans prescription de la médecine
Ça durera jamais 97 ans
Et hop! Encore une aspirine
J'alterne avec l'efferalgan
On the 11th day of confinement
I'm popping pills like crazy
Just the over the counter stuff
This will never last 97 years
Pop! There goes another aspirin
I alternate them with Tylenol
Au 15ème jour de la confine
Y avait plein de morts mais plus de sacrements (x2)
On ne pouvait plus tirer sa trombine
Devant le cercueil et ses ornements
Enterrer des vieux, faut dire que ça nous bassine
Et c'est contagieux surtout pour nos enfants
On the 15th day of confinement
There were plenty of dead, but no more funerals
No more showing your ugly mug
In front of an ornate coffin
Burying our old ones makes us tearful, I confess
Our kids catch on and weep as well
25ème jour de confine
Il pleut des divorces. C'est alarmant! (x2)
On quitte son mari, son amant, sa concubine
Du jour au lendemain, c'est vraiment navrant
Les tribunaux sont fermés. On divorce en ligne
On se confine au couvent
25th day of confinement
It's raining divorces. Yikes!
Folks leaving their husbands, their lovers, mistresses
Day after day, it's really upsetting
With the courts closed down you get divorced online
Then go to the nunnery and isolate there 

That’s a good sampling for now. I may have more in a later post.

Y en a bien marre de la confine. Y en a bien marre du confinement.
Y en a bien marre de la confine. Y en a bien marre du confinement