Sans Tambour

Super weird. Very talented cast of 3 actors who sing, plus 5 musicians who act. Lots of playing with music, soprano doubling one of the actors, advanced techniques. Opened by playing around with record player realized by musicians.

Lots of demolishing the set. Lots of debris everywhere. No clear, coherent plot, many story lines loosely interwoven. Lots of slapstick, which helped when they had to improvise in the presence of very high winds. A piano fell on someone’s head (planned).

Prepared piano.

And then, a whole sequence retelling Tristan and Isolde. Brief full nudity, extended partial nudity (a soprano singing and disrobing while showering in her tears). Lots of German singing, with French translations projected on the side.

Not nearly as well constructed, or even structured, as Le Moine Noir. Still, a very talented cast.

Preceded by dinner with Étienne, Claude, Maurice, et Françoise.