Hansel, Gretel, et les Autres

Production for kids. Interesting take on the original story, with a focus on the adults. What’s happening back in the village while Hansel and Gretel have disappeared. Not the unrealistic nobody cares, or generic “they were sad”. A detailed cast of police inspector, school teacher, school principal, librarian, etc.

Interesting back story for why the 2 kids went into the woods. Food suddenly stopped growing, everything lost its taste. Science responded by making nutritional pills, 3 a day sufficient. Kids leave because Gretel, age 8, is not happy with what she sees of adult world. Hansel, age 6, follows out of habit/loyalty, but not all that eager to leave. They find gingerbread house and are delighted with real food. Evil witch is nothing of the sort, but is some kind of imagined fantasy. She needs people to believe in her to remain present, adults all forgetting. They all prepare a feast for the villagers, who finally come search the forest and follow first the white pebbles and finally the smell of the food to find H&G.

Most interesting was form factor. 3 actors, wooden shadow puppets, hand/glove puppets (fingers are legs and arms, gloved back of hand decorated with face. Small TV screens show crudely animated version of same characters, allow interactions. News flash from live actors in studio. Also odd head and hands puppet, protruding through backdrop.

Venu = chapelle des pénitents blancs. Inside