Paris shut down all its live theaters for several months during the Covid pandemic and the period of confinement. It has been gradually unwinding the shutdown (déconfinement), and today live theaters are announcing their reopening plans. It made me very happy to receive the email shown below in my inbox.
That’s right, five separate plays by Alexis Michalik showing in five separate theaters in Paris. He’s 37 years old, and inarguably the most popular French playwright of the 21st century. I have seen three of these plays on stage, and have read the other two. The script of each has been published in book form, and I have all five on my shelf. Heck, I even have framed posters for two of them sitting in my living room, waiting to be hung on the wall.
As you can tell, I’m a fan. I’ll write another post some time about the plays themselves and why I like them so much, but for now I just wanted to share the fact that they are reopening in August. Here in the US we are still in the “50,000 new Covid cases a day” phase of the pandemic, so seeing French theaters reopening is a reassuring source of hope. Michalik’s most recent work, Une histoire d’amour, won a Molière award for best director (he directed it himself), and I have read and enjoyed the text.
I’m looking forward to the day when Covid is behind us, France lifts its ban on US travellers, and I can make it back to Paris to see Une histoire d’amour.
Received 2020-07-02:

Nous ouvrons enfin ! Après tous ces mois d’attente nous sommes tellement heureux et impatients de vous accueillir pour cette rentrée 2020 ! |

-> LE PORTEUR D’HISTOIRE aux Béliers -> theatredesbeliersparisiens.com
-> LE CERCLE DES ILLUSIONNISTES au Splendid -> lesplendid.com
-> EDMOND au Palais Royal -> theatrepalaisroyal.com
-> INTRAMUROS à La Pépinière -> theatrelapepiniere.com
-> UNE HISTOIRE D’AMOUR à La Scala -> lascala-paris.com